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I don't have a lot of public commits, can I use private commits?

You can, actually. You'll have to make that change on though. Go to your profile and scroll down until you see your contribution graph and click "contribution settings" to change it. See the image below.

Once you've done that, we'll have to re-fetch your contributions.

Do you support Github Enterprise?

I do, in a way. Since the whole point of GHE is that your enterprise controls everything, I can't get it automatically like I can with regular Github.

You'll need an API Key so send me an email about that, and then use this script to pull all your data. I'll give you some more details when I email you your API Key.

Do you support BitBucket?

I do not. I've never used it so I'm not too familiar with it. I looked around briefly at public profiles on BB and didn't immediately see the data I'd need. If you want to get your own data, you can submit it to the API. Send me an email if you want to try that out.

Do you support [X]?

I do not. But there is a (very tiny) API. Let's chat!

What kind of paper are these printed on?

They're printed on thick, durable, matte paper.

Who is behind this?

It's me, Aaron Francis. You can email me at [email protected] if you'd like.